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How to Convert String to Array in Vue JS?

How to Convert String to Array in Vue JS? In Vue.js, a tool for making web interfaces, you might sometimes need to turn a string into an array. This helps you work with your data better. This guide shows you different ways to do this so you can...

How To Work with Strings in JavaScript?

How To Work with Strings in JavaScript? In JavaScript, a string is a sequence of characters typically used to represent text. Strings are one of the primitive data types in JavaScript, along with numbers, booleans, nulls, and undefineds. Strings...

The JavaScript Reduce Method Explained

The JavaScript Reduce Method Explained JavaScript is a versatile programming language with a wide array of built-in methods that empower developers to manipulate arrays efficiently. One such powerful method is reduce(). The JavaScript reduce...

How to Connect a Node.js Application with MySQL/MariaDB/Percona?

How to Connect a Node.js Application with MySQL/MariaDB/Percona? MySQL, MariaDB, and Percona stand out as some of the most widely used open-source SQL databases, trusted by some of the world's largest organizations. This guide will provide a...

Understanding Hoisting in JavaScript

Understanding Hoisting in JavaScript In JavaScript, hoisting is a mechanism that shifts variable and function declarations to the beginning of their scope before the code is executed. This means that you can use variables and functions before...