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Ruby Hosting

Host your Ruby application on the cloud! Enjoy seamless performance, high security, and expert support. Discover our best cloud hosting services for your Ruby applications, optimized for scalability and reliability.

No Vendor Lock-in

No Vendor Lock-in

Get complete control over your Ruby environment

30 Days Free Trial

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Redmine Web Application

Redmine Web

For managing your Project Performance

All instances at AccuWeb.Cloud are dedicated, ensuring superior performance with no resource sharing.

Your instances will automatically scale up and down with traffic fluctuations, while also allowing you the flexibility to set budget limits.


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AccuWeb Cloud Hosting
40% More Affordable
than other Hyperscalers

Price comparison with other Hyperscalers

Comparison for "1VCPU / 2 GB Memory / 50 GB SSD" Container

Google Cloud
Microsoft Azure

*The comparison data has been collected based on information available as of January 1, 2024

How to manage Ruby
Hosting Environment

  • Login to Dashboard
  • Create a New Environment
  • Create Ruby Instance
  • Enable SSL
  • Cache
  • DB & Auto-clustering
  • Clone Environment
  • Usage Statistics
  • SSH Access
Login to Dashboard
To access the AccuWeb.Cloud dashboard, please check your registered email and enter your login details.
Create a New Environment
Click on "New Environment" to instantly set up a new RUBY hosting environment.
Create Ruby Instance
Create Ruby Instance
Enable SSL
Select Built-in OR Custom SSL option for secured environment
You can add Memcached for Caching
DB & Auto-clustering
Select database as per you requirements and avail auto-clustering option
Clone Environment
After creation of Ruby Environemnt you can cloned your environment for testing purpose.
Usage Statistics
You can track and monitor CPU, RAM, Network, and Dick in “Statistic” option
SSH Access
Login through Web SSH option in Ruby Environment

Key Features for Ruby Developers

Effortless Setup & Management

Get started quickly with our intuitive Ruby environment setup wizard. Manage your applications effortlessly through a user-friendly dashboard – no complex configurations are needed.

Flexible Scaling Options

Scale your Ruby applications up and down vertically and horizontally with ease to accommodate fluctuating traffic demands. AccuWeb.Cloud automatically adjusts resources like RAM, CPU, and disk space to optimize performance, ensuring your applications never slow down.

Integrated Project Management

AccuWeb.Cloud empowers your Ruby applications with advanced hosting features and robust security, seamlessly integrating Redmine for centralized project, task, and communication management.

Choice of Application Servers

Select the perfect fit for your project. Choose from Apache Ruby or NGINX Ruby, both pre-configured with popular application servers like Passenger, Puma, or Unicorn for peak performance.

  • Passenger: Leverage Passenger's robust features for modern web applications and microservices.
  • Puma: Utilize Puma's speed and parallelism for handling high traffic volumes with ease.
  • Unicorn: Take advantage of Unicorn's low-latency capabilities for fast client connections.

Advanced Application Server Configuration

Fine-tune your Ruby environment for optimal performance. AccuWeb.Cloud allows you to customize server configurations to perfectly match your application's needs.

Streamlined Development & Deployment

Focus on building amazing applications. Integrate seamlessly with CI/CD tools to automate your development workflow and deploy your Ruby applications effortlessly using Git repositories for efficient version control.

Automated Post-Deployment Tasks

Streamline your Ruby application management with AccuWeb.Cloud's automated post-deployment configuration. Simplify routine tasks such as database migrations (db:migrate), cache clearing, and asset precompilation using a rake _deploy file placed in your project's root directory. This file contains a series of commands executed sequentially by the rake tool after each Apache/NGINX node restart. Read More

Once tasks are successfully completed, the rake_deploy file is automatically removed, ensuring seamless operation without manual intervention. Experience enhanced efficiency and reliability in your deployment workflow with AccuWeb.Cloud's Ruby hosting solutions.

Ruby Dependency Management

AccuWeb.Cloud simplifies Ruby application development with comprehensive dependency management powered by Bundler. Automatically track and install the exact gems and versions your project requires by including a Gemfile in the root directory. After deployment, Bundler resolves dependencies seamlessly on the server, eliminating manual intervention. Read More

Customize your environment further by adding popular Ruby frameworks like Sinatra, Rack, or Ruby on Rails to your Gemfile, enhancing flexibility and scalability. Explore more about Ruby Dependency Management with AccuWeb.Cloud to optimize your development workflow effortlessly.

Enhanced Security & Reliability

AccuWeb.Cloud ensures your Ruby applications are secure and reliable with built-in SSL encryption, high availability infrastructure, and BitNinja security protection. Enjoy continuous uptime and comprehensive protection against online threats, with 24/7 expert support always available.

Redmine: Streamline Your Project Management

Redmine, built on Ruby on Rails, offers a robust suite of features to simplify and enhance project collaboration. Key functionalities include:

  • Efficient issue tracking with customizable fields and workflows.
  • Intuitive project planning with Gantt charts and calendars.
  • Precise time tracking for accurate project management.
  • Collaborative document management with wikis and repositories.
  • Customizable workflows to streamline your team's processes.
  • Seamless integrations with other tools and services.

Additional Benefits

No Vendor Lock-in

Maintain complete control over your Ruby environment. AccuWeb.Cloud offers the freedom to choose and switch between different application servers and configurations based on your needs. This allows you to adapt your hosting solution as your project evolves.

Comprehensive Monitoring & Analytics

Gain valuable insights into your application's performance with AccuWeb.Cloud's advanced monitoring and analytics tools. Identify potential bottlenecks and optimize your application's efficiency.

Cost-Effective Pricing

Pay only for the resources you use with AccuWeb.Cloud's flexible, Pay As You Go pricing model. This ensures efficient resource allocation and cost optimization for your Ruby projects.

Get Started For Free

Register Now to Get $100 credit for your first 30 days with AccuWeb.Cloud

True Consumption-Based Pricing

AccuWeb Cloud divides each container into granular units called “cloudlets,” consisting of 128MiB of RAM and 200MHz CPU. The platform monitors the consumption of cloudlets within each container hourly and only charges the user for the resources.

Establishing a maximum Scaling Limit for each container is possible, ensuring that resources will always be accessible in the event of changes in consumption or sudden spikes in demand.

Pay for the Limits
Pay for the Usege

24*7 Expert Support

Reliable Support When you Need it the Most!

To solve your technical problems, our highly trained experts are available 24/7 via live chat and support tickets.

Reliable Support When you Need it the Most!

FAQs About Ruby on Rails Hosting

Answering Your Most Common Questions about Ruby on Rails Hosting

What are the benefits of using Ruby Hosting?

Ruby Hosting provides a reliable and scalable platform for hosting Ruby on Rails web applications, with features such as automatic backups, security measures, and easy deployment, making it an efficient and user-friendly option for developers.

Is AccuWeb.Cloud Ruby Hosting suitable for beginners?

Yes, AccuWeb.Cloud Ruby Hosting is suitable for beginners as it provides a simple and intuitive user interface that makes it easy to manage and deploy applications.

How does AccuWeb.Cloud ensure security for Ruby Hosting?

AccuWeb.Cloud Ruby Hosting uses various security measures to ensure the safety and privacy of user data. It includes regular software updates, firewalls, SSL encryption, and automatic backups.

Does AccuWeb.Cloud provides a free trial?

AccuWeb.Cloud Ruby Hosting provides a 30-day free trial allowing users to test the platform and its features before committing to a paid plan.

What kind of support does AccuWeb.Cloud offer for Ruby?

AccuWeb.Cloud Ruby Hosting offers 24/7 email and live chat support.

Can I migrate my Ruby on Rails application to AccuWeb.Cloud?


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