Java Hosting

Secure and Supercharge Your PHP Application with AccuWeb.Cloud.

Cloud Instance Pricing

Instances will automatically scale up and down, with the flexibility to set up monthly limits on dynamic resource allocation during scaling.

Check more features

Round circle
Modern Girl

AccuWeb.Cloud is 40% more affordable

than other

Price comparison with other Hyperscalers

Comparison for "1VCPU / 2 GB Memory / 50 GB SSD" Container

Google Cloud
Microsoft Azure

Accelerate Development and Deployment
with Java Cloud Computing

AccuWeb.Cloud’s interface facilitates crafting your environment seamlessly and enables
the effortless launching of Java applications, all within its user-friendly interface.

  • Create Java Environment
  • Enable SSL
  • Caching Essentials
  • Database and Auto-Clustering
  • Change Environment
  • Statistics Usage
  • SSH Access
Create Java Environment
Enable SSL
Caching Essentials
Note: Automatic clustering is supported for GlassFish and WildFly.
Database and Auto-Clustering
Change Environment
Statistics Usage
SSH Access

Boosting Your Java Apps to New Heights – Developer Admired

Boosting Your Java Apps to New Heights – Developer Admired
  • Manage Multiple Domains in a Single Environment and Cut Costs by Eliminating the Need for Separate App Instances.
  • Automatically adjust resources with dynamic cloudlet allocation, ensuring optimal performance and cost-efficiency without manual intervention
  • Easily grow your application's capacity as it gains popularity, with added nodes on diverse hardware for ultimate availability.
  • With our Java Cloud, you can plan your finances effectively through flexible monthly and hourly billing options, along with accurate cost estimates.

AccuWeb's cloud-managed Java
hosting will cut your Workload.

AccuWeb's cloud-managed Java hosting will cut your Workload.

Let’s Encrypt Free SSL

Deploying an SSL certificate on free Java Hosting allows for encrypted HTTPS connections, which protect sensitive user information, login credentials, and other data from interception.

Free Managed Hosting for Java

Experience our FREE Managed Services for 90 days. We are with you every step of the way and will take care of every detail, including proactive monitoring, application management, and security. Click here to learn more!

Free Migration

Migrate your Java web application with AccuWeb.Cloud and get assistance to complete it.

User-friendly Dashboard

An AccuWeb cloud dashboard that is simple to operate for both non-technical and technical individuals

Latest Database

Deploying an SSL certificate on free Java Hosting allows for encrypted HTTPS connections, which protect sensitive user information, login credentials, and other data from interception.

99.9% Uptime

Accelerate and improve your Java web and mobile applications with a 99.9% uptime guarantee.

Backup And Storage

Get assistance to protect your application and set up daily, hourly, and monthly add-on storage and backups.

Business Emails

Our Professional Email service offers custom domain-based email addresses and groups, domain management with aliases, and an inbound spam filter for protection against phishing and malware. Check out our pricing plans.

AccuWeb's cloud-managed Java hosting will cut your Workload.

Advantages of Containerized Java Hosting

Auto Clustering

Auto Clustering

To perform centralized nodes and deployment automation, use auto clustering on these application servers: Tomcat, GlassFish, Jetty, Payara, Spring Boot, and WildFly.

Container Technology

Container Technology

Using containerization such as Docker & Kubernetes for Java hosting can enhance security by isolating the application and its container dependencies.

Premium CDN

Premium CDN

Access to more than 160 CDN points to help you speed up and improve your Java application with advanced caching, massive bandwidth capacity, and HTTPS/3 support for fast static file delivery.

Maven Build Node

Maven Build Node

Manage and compile your Java applications with the Maven Build Node, from build to deploy.

Multiple Apps Support

Multiple Apps Support

A Java hosting service supports hosting multiple Spring Boot applications at the same time. You can manage and deploy multiple applications easily on AccuWeb.Cloud Platform.

Flexibility and Isolation

Flexibility and Isolation

Each container runs independently, with its own file system and runtime environment. This isolation minimizes the interaction between containers, providing better security and reliability.

True Consumption-Based Pricing

When using AccuWeb.Cloud, your payment is determined by your actual usage rather than the size of your server.

The system makes hourly measurements of how many RAM and CPU resources are being used on each container and requests payment only for these used resources. You can set up a maximum Scaling Limit for each container, so the resources will always be available in case of load spikes or other consumption changes. No matter how high the limit – the payment will only be based on actual usage.

Pay for the Limits
Pay for the Usege

Get Started For Free

Register Now to Get $100 credit for your first 30 days with AccuWeb.Cloud

Round-the-Clock Solutions for Your Business – Expert Support

Our 24/7 expert support is dedicated to providing fast and effective solutions to any issues or challenges. With our proactive approach to customer service, you can rely on us to keep your business running smoothly and efficiently.

Round-the-Clock Solutions for Your Business – Expert Support

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Java Cloud Hosting?

Java Cloud Hosting is a hosting service that enables you to deploy and operate your Java applications on a cloud infrastructure. It equips you with the essential tools and resources to manage and expand your application securely, reliably, and affordably.

What types of Java applications can I host on a cloud platform?

A wide range of Java applications can be hosted on a cloud platform, including but not limited to web applications, mobile applications & enterprise applications.