Auto-Scaling and Pay As You Go Model

AccuWeb.Cloud provides flexible, instant cloud VPS hosting that can be easily adjusted to match your requirements. Our incremental pricing ensures a steady growth of hosting expenses without any surprise bills. Benefit from reliable uptime backed by our 99.99% SLA and utilize advanced security tools for optimal performance. With our API and integration tools, your expansion can be automated seamlessly. Create high-performance Cloud VPS services globally instantly, featuring NVMe SSD storage and 10Gbps connections at a fraction of the cost. Manage your Cloud VPS effortlessly using our intuitive UI, CLI, API, and Terraform Provider.

Lightning-Fast Premium CDN

HTTP/3 premium CDN with 160+ Super PoPs


Sign up and get 30-days free trial!

Pay As You Go

Flexible &
cost-efficient hosting, based
on usage

Cloud Instance Pricing

Instances will automatically scale up and down, with the flexibility to set up monthly limits on dynamic resource allocation during scaling.

Check more features

Round circle
Modern Girl

AccuWeb.Cloud is 40% more affordable

than other

Price comparison with other Hyperscalers

Comparison for "1VCPU / 2 GB Memory / 50 GB SSD" Container

Google Cloud
Microsoft Azure

How to manage Wordpress Cloud VPS Application

This guide illustrates the installation of Cloud VPS and
how to utilize it through the AccuWeb.Cloud dashboard.

  • New environment
  • Select your VPS
  • Scalable node
  • Deploy in one minute
  • File Manager
Click on "New Environment" to instantly set up your Cloud VPS.
Select the desired OS and version in the topology wizard.
Select your VPS
Define your VPS reserved and scaling limits to match your requirements.
Scalable node
Your VPS will be created within moments and appear on your cloud dashboard.
Easily manage your files with our intuitive interface.
file manager

NVMe SSD Storage and AMD EPYC Processors

At AccuWeb.Cloud, we pride ourselves on introducing the latest generation of high-performance processors, specifically the AMD EPYC™ processors, in our global data centers. These state-of-the-art CPUs are designed to provide exceptional performance and reliability, guaranteeing the smooth and efficient operation of your applications. Combined with our reliable SAN SSD storage solutions, we ensure that our clients experience unparalleled data accessibility and responsiveness, regardless of their geographical location.

NVMe SSD Storage and AMD EPYC Processors

10,000 Mb/s Network

Our infrastructure provides up to 10,000 Mb/s network speed for Cloud VPS hosting customers, ensuring increased uptime and quicker loading times. This aspect renders our VPS plans perfect for gaming, streaming, and various other activities.

10,000 Mb/s Network


AccuWeb.Cloud offers daily, weekly & monthly automated backup option for your environment.
Learn more about how to create a backup of your VPS.
Your data is safe with our automated backups.



Discover how to restore your VPS from backups with ease. Your peace of mind is our priority with our reliable automated backup system.
Learn more about how to restore a backup of your VPS.


One-Click Software Installation
for Your Virtual Server

  • Operating SystemsChoose from a variety of in-demand Linux-based operating systems for your virtual servers, and we will take care of the automatic installation process for you.
  • Control Panels and AppsControl your server using a dependable control panel and install your preferred web applications effortlessly. With our VPS templates, you can set up your applications within minutes.
Operating Systems
Control Panels and Apps

Firewall and DDoS Protection

Ensure the security of your virtual server at every turn. Utilize our Standard DDoS filtering and user-friendly firewall to effectively block any malicious traffic.
Learn more about our advanced DDoS protection features.

Firewall and DDoS Protection

Web SSH Terminal

Execute shortcuts, handle files, or adjust VPS configurations directly from your browser. No extra software installation necessary – simply input your commands and carry them out through the web-based terminal.

Web SSH Terminal

Auto-Scalable Cloud VPS Hosting

Begin with a small plan and easily scale up & down as per your traffic need.

Auto-Scalable Cloud VPS Hosting

Data Centers Worldwide

Strategically positioned across Asia, Europe, and the USA, our data centers allow you to select a server nearest to your target audience, ensuring quicker content delivery.

Data Centers Worldwide

Easy VPS Management : Install Software Instantly

WordPress Hosting


Laravel Hosting


GitLab Hosting


Object Storage

Object Storage

File Storage

File Storage

Object Storage

Backup Storage


Mongo DB

Kubernetes Hosting


Docker Hosting


Magento Hosting


PHP Hosting














Start your 30 days free trial, with $100 free credit

Sign up to our cloud platform and enjoy $100 free credit for 30 days.

We’re here to help.

From offering expert advice to solving complex problems, we’ve got you covered.

Explore the Versatile Use Cases of Elastic Cloud VPS

Video Streaming and Gaming Servers

Video Streaming and Gaming Servers

Host video streaming platforms, multiplayer game servers, or content delivery networks (CDNs) on Cloud VPS to deliver real-time content or gaming experiences.

Monitoring and Analytics

Monitoring and Analytics

Run monitoring and analytics tools on Cloud VPS instances to gather and process real-time data for business intelligence and decision-making.

IoT Backend

IoT Backend

Use Cloud VPS to build the backend infrastructure for the Internet of Things devices, collecting and processing sensor data in real-time

VPN and Proxy Servers

VPN and Proxy Servers

Deploy virtual private networks (VPNs) or proxy servers for secure and private internet access for personal use and business applications.

High-Performance Computing

High-Performance Computing

Access powerful computing resources in the cloud for scientific simulations, data analysis, and other computationally intensive tasks.

Educational Environments

Educational Environments

Educational institutions can create virtual classrooms and labs using Cloud VPS to facilitate remote learning.

True Consumption-Based Pricing

When using AccuWeb.Cloud, your payment is determined by your actual usage rather than the size of your server.

The system makes hourly measurements of how many RAM and CPU resources are being used on each container and requests payment only for these used resources. You can set up a maximum Scaling Limit for each container, so the resources will always be available in case of load spikes or other consumption changes. No matter how high the limit – the payment will only be based on actual usage.

pay for the Limits
pay for the Usage

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Cloud Elastic VPS?

Elastic VPS allows you to create and manage virtual private servers (VPS) on a single physical server. It offers a flexible and scalable solution for hosting applications and websites.

How do I manage my Elastic Cloud VPS instances?

You can manage your Elastic VPS instances through our user-friendly dashboard. This Platform allows you to create, configure, and monitor VPS instances.

How does Elastic VPS differ from traditional VPS hosting?

Elastic VPS differs from traditional VPS hosting because it uses container-based virtualization, enabling higher server density, better resource utilization, and improved performance isolation between VPS instances.

Can I upgrade or downgrade my VPS resources easily?

Yes, one of the advantages of Elastic VPS is its ability to easily upgrade or downgrade resources like CPU, RAM, and storage. You can scale your VPS instances to match the changing needs of your applications.

Can I install custom software and applications on my VPS?

You have full control over your Elastic VPS, so you can install and configure custom software and applications to suit your needs.

What are the key benefits of using Elastic VPS?

Some benefits of using runtime Docker include:

  • Efficient resource allocation
  • Isolation between VPS instances
  • Scalability to easily add or remove resources
  • Quick provisioning and deployment of VPS