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Python type() Function With Example

Python type() Function With Example Python is known for its dynamic typing system, allowing variables to change types on the fly. However, sometimes, it's essential to understand the variable type, especially in larger codebases or when dealing...

Python time sleep() - How to Add Time Delay to Your Code

Python time sleep() - How to Add Time Delay to Your Code The Python time.sleep() function is employed to introduce a pause in program execution. This function allows us to temporarily halt the program's progress for a specified duration in...

What are Function Annotations in Python?

What are Function Annotations in Python? PEP is an acronym for Python Enhancement Proposal. This document outlines novel attributes of Python, its operations, and its ecosystem while furnishing information to the Python community. PEPs function...

Explain Python Pretty Print JSON

Explain Python Pretty Print JSON JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a widely used data format for data interchange. It's human-readable and machine-friendly, making it a popular choice for configuration files, APIs, and data storage....

Explain lambda in Python

Explain lambda in Python Lambda functions, often described as anonymous functions, are a powerful and versatile feature in Python programming. While their concise syntax might make them appear enigmatic at first, understanding their intricacies...

Explain Generators in Python

Explain Generators in Python In Python, a generator function is structured similarly to a regular function. However, when it intends to produce a value, it utilizes the `yield` keyword instead of `return`. When the body of a `def` includes the...

When To Use Yield Instead of Return in Python?

When to use yield instead of return in Python? Functions in Python are essential components of code, facilitating the creation of reusable blocks. Traditionally, the return statement has been the standard method for sending a single value back...

Explain *args and **kwargs in Python

Explain *args and **kwargs in Python In this article, we're going to talk about what ** (double star/asterisk) and * (star/asterisk) mean when we use them with parameters in Python. We'll also look at some examples of args and kwargs in Python....

How to Open a File in Python

How to Open a File in Python Opening files is a fundamental operation in Python for reading, writing, or appending data. Understanding how to open a file lays the foundation for various file operations within Python programs. In this guide,...