What are Cloudlets?

What are Cloudlets?

Accuweb.Cloud Platform

Cloudlets are a small building block of platform infrastructure. It is like a particular resource unit providing a specific amount of memory (equivalent to 128 MiB) and processing power (equivalent to 200 MHz). This level of resource detail helps the system allocate just the right amount of capacity for each task or application in the environment.

Cloudlet is a platform that uses special containers to run software applications. Think of containers as small, self-contained boxes that hold each application. These containers are smart because they can share important parts of the computer’s operating system, like the brain (kernel), communication system (TCP stack), and storage (file system).

By sharing these resources, containers save memory and processing power, making things run faster and more efficiently. It’s like having multiple apps running on your phone without slowing it down.

Understanding Cloudlets

Cloudlets can quickly scale up or down, just like adjusting the size of a container. This means that if an application needs more resources, Cloudlets can soon provide them. It’s like giving an app more space to grow when it needs it.

Vertical Scaling

Another great thing about Cloudlets is that each application runs in its container, like having separate rooms for different tasks. This way, if one application has a problem, it won’t affect the others.

In summary, Cloudlets uses special containers to run applications efficiently by sharing resources. It can easily adjust resources based on application needs, keeps applications separate for better reliability, and provides extra security to protect your data.

Let’s break it down: What is a Cloudlet in Accuweb.Cloud ?


1 Cloudlet = 128 MiB of RAM + 200 MHz of CPU power

So Cloudlets act as a way to measure the computing capacity you are using in the cloud. Instead of paying for an entire server, you only pay for your application’s exact resources, measured in Cloudlets.

There are two main types of Cloudlets

Reserved Cloudlets reserved cloudlet

These are resources you reserve in advance, regardless of whether you end up using them or not. The more you reserve, the more significant discount you get. It’s like booking your seat at a concert ahead of time.

Scaling Limit

Dynamic Cloudlets dynamic cloudlet

These resources are automatically added or removed based on your real-time usage. So you only pay for what you end up using, like paying for rides on a trip based on how many you take.

Reserved and Dynamic Cloudlets

The benefit of using both Reserved and Dynamic Cloudlets is that you get discounts for reserving Cloudlets in advance but can scale up and down flexibly based on your needs.

So in everyday terms, you can think of Cloudlets like food units at a buffet. You pay for the amount you take, not the whole buffet. Reserved Cloudlets are like your favorite dishes you know you’ll take. Dynamic Cloudlets are additional items you may take depending on your appetite.

By using Cloudlets, you only pay for your application’s exact computing resources. No overpaying for unused capacity! So next time you come across the term, remember Cloudlets are simply a way to measure and pay for computing resources as you use them. Pretty simple, right?

Understanding Cloudlet Consumption

Cloudlet consumption is calculated based on two main factors: RAM (memory) and CPU (processing power)

Cloudlet Consumption

Let’s break down how it works

  1. RAM Consumption: RAM is the memory your application and processor utilize to store and access data. Cloudlets measure RAM consumption by considering the peak value of RAM usage over an hour. Each cloudlet represents 128 MiB of RAM, approximately 1 GB of memory. For example, if your highest RAM usage during an hour is 1024 MiB, it would equal 8 cloudlets or approximately 1 GB of memory.
  2. CPU Consumption: The CPU is the brain of your computer or server, responsible for executing instructions and performing calculations. Cloudlets measure CPU consumption by considering the average CPU usage over an hour. Each cloudlet corresponds to 200 MHz of CPU power. For instance, if your average CPU usage is 2400 MHz (12 cloudlets) for an hour, it would be equivalent to 12.

Cloudlet Consumption Tracking

Cloudlet consumption is calculated on an hourly basis using the following approach:

  • RAM: The peak RAM consumption, representing the highest value recorded within the hour, is taken into consideration.
  • CPU: The average CPU usage throughout the hour is considered.

The higher of these two values, rather than their combination, is deemed as the actual
environment consumption, which will be charged to your account.

On the dashboard, you can observe the current resource usage of your environment overall, and for each individual layer or node, it encompasses in the corresponding Usage column.

Current resource usage

To check the consumption level of your servers over a specific period, you can utilize the Statistics section or review the applied account charges in your Billing History.

Checking the consumption

Actual Consumption

The beauty of Cloudlets lies in their ability to optimize your resource usage and ensure fair pricing. The actual consumption is determined by selecting the more excellent value between your RAM and CPU consumption. This means you are only charged for the resource requiring more cloudlets, allowing you to make the most of your investment.

For instance, if your RAM consumption is eight cloudlets and your CPU consumption is 12 cloudlets, you would be charged for 12 cloudlets, representing the highest CPU usage. This ensures that you get the maximum value for your money and only pay for the resources that truly matter to your application’s performance. With Cloudlets, you can rest assured that your resource allocation is optimized and your costs are kept in check.

Benefits of Cloudlets


  1. Faster Response Times: By bringing computing resources closer to the end-users, cloudlets reduce latency and improve response times. This means that applications and services can deliver information and perform tasks more quickly, enhancing the user experience.
  2. Efficient Resource Allocation: Cloudlets provide a granular approach to resource allocation, ensuring you only pay for the necessary resources. By measuring consumption in cloudlets, you can accurately determine the required capacity for each server, preventing overpayment for unused resources.
  3. Scalability and Flexibility: Cloudlets offer automatic vertical scaling, meaning that resources can be added or removed based on the current needs of your application. With cloud computing, you can effortlessly manage sudden increases in demand without needing prior planning or unnecessary expenses on underutilized resources.
  4. Cost Optimization: With cloudlets, you can reserve resources in advance or dynamically scale based on demand. This helps optimize costs by ensuring you have reserved resources when needed and only pay for additional resources during peak usage.


Cloudlets bring the power of cloud computing closer to end-users, providing faster response times, efficient resource allocation, scalability, and cost optimization. By measuring consumption in terms of RAM and CPU, cloudlets offer a granular approach to resource management, ensuring fair pricing and optimal utilization. Embrace the potential of cloudlets and unlock a world of possibilities in computing!