How to Setup WordPress Backup on AccuWeb.Cloud?

How to Setup WordPress Backup on AccuWeb.Cloud?

Backup storage is flexible in standalone and database on the AccuWeb.Cloud platform, and it’s necessary for applications and databases to have backup storage. You can create backup storage remotely on your end.

These instructions walk you through creating and installing a backup storage add-on.

Install dedicated Backup storage:

First, look for backup storage from the marketplace before installing add-ons in any databases or applications.

Step 1: You can use standalone or cluster storage when installing a backup. You can then choose the number of nodes and storage capacity. And complete standard options:

  • Environment: Type the name of the environment you want
  • Display name: Environment alias

Add Environment and Display Name

Step 2: Click the Install button after selecting the custom option. It will take a few minutes to deploy on your environment.

Install Backup Storage

Step 3: After backup storage is ready, you can install a backup add-on. Select WordPress Backup/Restore for the filesystem and the database over the application server add-on

WordPress Backup/Restore

Step 4: Select the following options:

1. Select scheduling option:

  • Pre-defined – select from a list of standard backup intervals (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly)
  • Custom – choose the exact time, required days of the week, and Time Zone

Select scheduling option

  • Manual (crontab): provide a simple cron-based expression (using the UTC zone) to schedule backups

Manual (crontab)

2. Backup storage – choose from the list of backup storage installed on the account

3. Number of backups – set the number of the newest backups for the current database.

Set the number of the backups

Step 5: In a few minutes, you can see that the installation was successful

Successfully Installed

Managing Add-On

After the installation, the add-on will give you multiple options;

  • Backup Now- Generates a backup right away.
  • Configure – modifies the creation’s parameters (schedule, storage node, number of backups, user credentials)
  • Restore – Restores from backup
  • Uninstall – Removes the backup add-on

Uninstall WordPress Backup