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Laravel in the Clouds: 5 Reasons Why Your App Belongs There

Why Laravel is the most preferable option?

Laravel helps the user to create modern web applications instead of model view controllers. Laravel is a popular PHP web application framework that has gained immense popularity over the years due to its ease of use, scalability, and robust features. There are many advantages to using Laravel in modern-day applications like Security, Authentication, Automated testing, and scheduling tasks.

It is crucial to select the appropriate hosting platform for Laravel, whether traditional or cloud hosting. However, users often find themselves in a state of confusion while making this decision.

However, hosting a Laravel application can be daunting, especially regarding performance, scalability, and disaster recovery. That’s where cloud hosting comes in.

Yes! If Cloud hosting is the solution, what are the reasons for selecting this option?
So here in this blog are shown reasons Why your Laravel application belongs to cloud hosting

Reasons to Select Cloud Hosting for Laravel

  1. Flexibility and Scalability:

    Cloud hosting is a powerful solution that offers numerous benefits for Laravel applications. It provides the flexibility and scalability to easily add or remove resources as your app’s needs evolve. This ensures that your app can handle the increasing traffic and user demands without any downtime or performance issues.

  2. Performance:

    For optimal performance and isolation for your Laravel app, ditch shared hosting and go with cloud hosting. By providing your app with dedicated resources, cloud hosting ensures that it won’t be competing with other applications for resources on the same server. This translates to superior performance where your app can perform flawlessly as per your requirements. So, if you want the best possible hosting solution for your Laravel app, cloud hosting should be your go-to option.

  3. Disaster Recovery:

    Cloud providers offer a range of benefits, including built-in redundancy and backup solutions. With features like Daily, Weekly, and Monthly backups, you can be sure that your application will remain online even in the face of hardware failures or natural disasters. This means that you don’t have to worry about losing your data or experiencing extended downtime during an outage, keeping your business operations running smoothly.

  4. Collaboration:

    Cloud hosting is a great solution for Laravel development projects that require seamless collaboration and remote access. It provides shared resources and version control systems, as well as clone environments for testing. With cloud hosting, developers can easily work together on a project, regardless of their location, making it simpler and more efficient to achieve project goals.

  5. Cost-Effective:

    When it comes to growing Laravel apps, cloud hosting can be the most cost-effective and practical choice in the long run. This is due to its pay-as-you-go model, which lets you pay only for what you use, and its efficient resource usage. With cloud hosting, you won’t have to worry about getting locked into a fixed pricing plan, as you can adjust your resources based on your app’s needs. This makes it a flexible and scalable solution that can accommodate your app’s growth over time.

Cloud hosting is the ideal solution for Laravel applications that require high availability, performance, and disaster recovery. With its flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness, it’s no wonder that more and more developers are choosing cloud hosting for their Laravel apps.

Disadvantages of traditional hosting for Laravel

On the other hand, if you want to host your application traditionally then there are many disadvantages here we presented:

  1. Limited Customization:

    When it comes to traditional hosting providers, you might find yourself facing limited control over the server environment, which in turn can hinder your ability to configure Laravel most effectively for your specific needs or integrate it with specialized tools. It’s important to be aware of this potential limitation and explore other hosting options that offer more flexibility and control over the server environment.

  2. Security Concern:

    It’s important to be aware that shared hosting environments carry inherent security risks. The reason is, that vulnerabilities in one website can potentially affect others sharing the same server. Furthermore, traditional hosting providers may not offer robust security features like automatic updates or intrusion detection, making it challenging to keep websites secure. Therefore, it’s always advisable to take additional security measures and opt for hosting providers that offer advanced security features to mitigate such risks.

  3. Self-managed Difficulty:

    Regarding traditional hosting, managing server software updates, security patches, and backups can be challenging and time-consuming. It often requires technical expertise and can lead to additional costs for managed services.

As your Laravel application grows and attracts more traffic, you will soon realize the limitations of traditional hosting. You will need a more powerful hosting solution that can provide you with greater control, scalability, and security to keep up with the increasing demands of your application.

How AccuWeb.Cloud will help you?

AccuWeb.Cloud is the ultimate solution for developers seeking to host their Laravel applications in the cloud. Our platform offers a seamless one-click installation process, free and effortless migration, and the first 90 days of a completely free managed hosting solution. With AccuWeb.Cloud, you can rest assured that your Laravel application is in the hands of experts, and your hosting experience will be smooth and hassle-free.

In the AccuWeb.Cloud platform, you will receive all the features we have mentioned. To give you a better understanding, we would like to provide an example of how you can utilize all these features.

If your application requires software specifications, you can change the application server version 

These are just basic features from this dashboard but there are other features you will get from AccuWeb.Cloud and that features are:

  • Setting up container node 
  • Firewall security
  • Web SSH access
  • Failover container
  • Cost calculation 
  • Account limits etc.

Other features and information are there if you want to know more about AccuWeb.Cloud dashboard follow this link.

Begin your journey to the cloud with AccuWeb.Cloud’s exceptional hosting solutions and products. Click on this link to explore our offerings and take the first step toward a seamless and efficient cloud hosting experience.


If you’re seeking the perfect hosting platform for Laravel and need clarification about which one to choose, look no further. This blog will provide you with all the answers and reasons you need to make an informed decision.


  1. Is cloud hosting essential for Laravel?
    Ans.  Not always, but traditional hosting has limitations. Scalability, security, and performance favor cloud hosting for most modern Laravel apps.
  2. What are cloud hosting’s key benefits for Laravel?
    Ans. Scalability, performance, disaster recovery, collaboration, and cost-effectiveness.
  3. What security concerns exist with traditional hosting?
    Ans. Shared environments pose risks, and security features may be limited.
  4. What management challenges come with traditional hosting?
    Ans. Limited control, customization, and time-consuming maintenance.
  5. Any cloud hosting drawbacks?
    Ans. Slightly higher upfront costs compared to traditional hosting, but usually outweighed by benefits.