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Content Delivery Network

AccuWeb.Cloud offers a powerful CDN to supercharge your website's performance. Our network of 130+ global PoPs ensures lightning-fast content delivery worldwide. We provide robust security with DDoS protection, TLS encryption, and PCI-DSS compliance. Our HTTP/3-ready infrastructure, coupled with IP Anycast and intelligent load balancing, optimizes speed and reliability. Enjoy flexible, consumption-based pricing for cost efficiency.

130+ PoPs

130+ PoP

Placed across 6 continents

High Availability

High Availability

Experience 100% content availability

Optimized Routing

Optimized Routing

Ensures Minimum & Maximum Speed

AccuWeb Cloud Hosting
40% More Affordable
than other Hyperscalers

Price comparison with other Hyperscalers

Comparison for "1VCPU / 2 GB Memory / 50 GB SSD" Container

Google Cloud
Microsoft Azure

*The comparison data has been collected based on information available as of January 1, 2024

How to manage CDN
Hosting Environment

  • Go to Marketplace
  • Select Installation Type
  • Installation
  • Login Detail
Go to the marketplace and select the HTTP/3 Premium CDN, then click on "Install".
Go to Marketplace
Choose the environment where you want to implement the CDN and select the appropriate nodes.
Select Installation Type
Confirm your selections to initiate the CDN installation process.
Once installation is complete, you'll receive an email with your CDN login details.
Login Detail

Unmatched Performance and Speed

  • Experience faster web performance and stronger security with the latest HTTP Protocol, HTTP/3 (QUIC).
  • Our Intelligent routing and Load-balancing mechanisms ensure optimized content delivery from the nearest PoP, enabling unmatched speed.
  • Experience 100% content availability and up to 30% better performance than competitors.
  • Benefit from direct, fast connections to thousands of networks for smooth content delivery.

Advanced Security

  • Benefit from fast and secure DNS lookups for reliable content delivery.
  • We are providing robust DDoS protection to safeguard against distributed denial-of-service attacks.
  • Protect and save your data with TLS encryption for secure transmission.
  • Our commitment to PCI-DSS compliance ensures that all content delivery meets the highest industry standards for secure transactions.

Cost-Effective Performance

  • Premium traffic across all continents at consistent pricing.
  • No unexpected costs based on geographical location.

Global Reach and Scalability

  • Unparalleled global coverage with our extensive network featuring over 130 strategically placed super PoP across 6 continents.
  • Expand rapidly with 4000+ interconnections to reach a global audience.

Strategic Global Presence

Strategic Global Presence

Get Started For Free

Register Now to Get $100 credit for your first 30 days with AccuWeb.Cloud

True Consumption-Based Pricing

AccuWeb.Cloud divides each container into granular units called “cloudlets,” consisting of 128MiB of RAM and 200MHz CPU. The platform monitors the consumption of cloudlets within each container hourly and only charges the user for the resources. Establishing a maximum Scaling Limit for each container is possible, ensuring that resources will always be accessible in the event of changes in consumption or sudden spikes in demand.

Pay for the Limits
Pay for the Usege

24*7 Expert Support

Reliable Support When you Need it the Most!

To solve your technical problems, our highly trained experts are available 24/7 via live chat and support tickets.

Reliable Support When you Need it the Most!

FAQs For Content Delivery Network

How does HTTP/3 (QUIC) enhance web performance and security?

HTTP/3 (QUIC) improves web performance and security by offering faster connection speeds and more reliable data transmission. It reduces latency and enhances content delivery speed while providing stronger encryption and security features compared to previous protocols.

What role do intelligent routing and load-balancing play in content delivery?

Intelligent routing and load-balancing ensure that content is delivered from the nearest Point of Presence (PoP), optimizing delivery speed and minimizing latency. This mechanism results in unmatched performance and helps maintain 100% content availability.

How does your service ensure smooth content delivery across networks?

We offer direct, fast connections to thousands of networks, ensuring smooth and reliable content delivery across various regions and networks.

What measures are in place to protect against DDoS attacks?

Our service includes robust DDoS protection to safeguard against distributed denial-of-service attacks, ensuring the stability and availability of your content.

How is your service cost-effective for global traffic?

Our service offers premium traffic across all continents at consistent pricing, with no unexpected costs based on geographical location, making it a cost-effective solution for global content delivery.

What kind of global coverage do you provide?

We offer unparalleled global coverage with over 130 strategically placed super Points of Presence (PoP) across six continents, ensuring extensive reach and reliable content delivery worldwide.

How does your service support rapid expansion and global reach?

With over 4000 interconnections, our service supports rapid expansion and enables you to reach a global audience efficiently, providing the scalability needed for growing businesses.

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